Evangelical University Library


Evangelical University (EU) Library was opened in 1982 in a classroom before moving into the new library building, which was later extended in 2003. The library provides access to printed and digital resources. It houses over 22,000 printed copies for Faculty, Staff, Students, and EU Alumni member usage. Spouses to students have privileged access to some library services. Digital resource platforms such as JSTOR and The Global Digital Theological Library (GLDTL) provide electronic access to resources.


  • Lending Services: Borrowing of materials is subject to presentation of EU Student Identity Card or Library Membership Card. Residential students have 14 days loan duration, while Distance Education Students have 30 days. Loan extension is permissible if materials have not been reserved.
  • Internet Services: Students and staff have access to wireless internet connection. The computer laboratory provides academic usage computers and is accessible from 07:30 to 23:00 hours on weekdays. Personal computers configured to the university’s network and printer ensure 24/7 access to internet services.
  • Research and Training: Professional librarians assist users in searching and retrieving helpful materials. Library familiarization and orientation are conducted for new students at the beginning of each intake.

Mission and Objectives

Mission: Evangelical University Library exists to support the institution in educating men and women for full-time Christian service. Objectives include:

  • Providing sufficient quantities of relevant learning, teaching, and research materials.
  • Ensuring a conducive study atmosphere, sufficient furniture, and space.
  • Facilitating fair usage of materials and securing library resources.
  • Adopting appropriate technologies to enhance learning and library services.

Library Staff

The Evangelical University library is run by dedicated and friendly members of staff. They are available Monday to Friday from 07:30 to 17:00 hours, excluding lunch breaks from 12:30 to 14:00 hours.

Borrowing Procedure

Using the Destiny Library Management Software, materials can be located and retrieved. Borrowed materials are issued at the circulation desk upon presentation of a valid ID card. Loan durations vary based on the patron type, with specific rules for the Reserve section.

Returning Materials

Materials can be returned by the client or another individual on their behalf. Clients must settle any fines for overdue items before borrowing additional materials.