Evangelical University History Timeline

The Need For Trained Personnel is Urgent

Across the 4 acre campus on busy Nkana Road, the convincing voices of two African choirs throbbed out the old Gospel songs. Out of the clouds of dry season dust came a stream of cars which rolled into the parking lot. From many parts of Zambia people came to witness God’s workmanship in Ndola - the Bible College of Central Africa. The day was September 25, 1965, the time 3:00 pm. The event was the official opening of the new Bible College buildings.

Africans and their missionary brothers in turn read the Scriptures, led in prayer, and recounted the history of this miracle of God’s provision. Greetings were delivered which had come from America, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, England and many other places where God’s people had prayed and invested, that a vision could become a reality. The Lord’s message for the occasion was delivered by Dr. Robert L. Foster who spoke with Spirit-empowered grace and conviction.

Then, climaxing years of prayer and work and investment by God’s people, Mr. T. S. Muzmara strode to the main doors, and surrounded by more than 200 people, cut the ribbon and proclaimed the new buildings officially open for the glory of God in the teaching of the word. Many of us could not help but remember at that moment that the same hand which turned the key, had, 4 years ago, given the first gift toward these beautiful buildings. Great is thy faithfulness.

In its new facilities - classrooms, offices, and library - the Bible College of Central Africa continues to expand its 5 year old Evening School programme and newly begun Day School programme. Some 50 students meet 2 nights a week for a thorough 3 year study of the Scriptures.

The 5 full-time Day students now completing their first year, will be joined by others in the new term beginning January 1966.

These men have brought scores of people to the Lord, built up churches, visited from house-to-house, starting regular Bible classes, and have faithfully put to work what they have learned in class. What is the future of B.C.C.A.? The new nation Zambia has never been more open to the teaching and preaching of the word of God. But “How shall they hear without a preacher”? God needs men-spirit-filled, Bible-taught, experience-seasoned men. The Bible College of Central Africa exists to prepare, by God’s grace, such men. But time waits for no man, nor for the proclamation of the Gospel. This generation is passing quickly into eternity; the need for men of the word is urgent. You can be a very real and essential link in this delivering of the Bread of Life to the spirit-starved multitudes of Zambia. The Bible College of Central Africa has been born-it needs concern, nourishment, and prayer!- Ndola Zambia. AFRICAN EVANGEL NO. 190 JANUARY 1966 BY TERRY C. HULBERT, TH.D

The Evangelical University (EU), formerly the Theological College of Central Africa (TCCA) is a private Christian accredited interdenominational University. We exist as a ministry of the Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia (EFZ). As the proprietor, EFZ is the legal owner of the university property and are the Trustees. We are legally registered as a section 40 Company Limited by Guarantee with the Registrar of Companies- Registration number 127256; Certificate number 2995571.


February the Africa Evangelical Fellowship founds the Bible Institute of Central Africa (BICA)


Terry Hulbert becomes Principal at BICA.


25 September; the Bible College of Central Africa (BCCA) is officially commissioned; the college had changed its name from BICA to BCCA at this stage.


The Evangelical Church of Zambia (ECZ) assumes responsibility for the college, running certificate courses.


The Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia (EFZ) AGM floats the idea of post-secondary theological training.


The Theological Education Committee is established by the EFZ to explore the viability of the project, constituting 5 members: Jim Hess – Chairman (Christian Brethren), Roger Kemp – Secretary (Australian Baptist), Kosamu W. Kasonso – Committee member (Evangelical Church in Zambia - ECZ), Pete Sterns – Committee member (Brethren In Christ), and Tim Kopp – Committee member (Africa Evangelical Fellowship).


The Theological Education Committee negotiates with the ECZ for its property at 60-64 Kwacha to be operated as TCCA. An agreement is signed between the ECZ and EFZ, and BCCA officially becomes TCCA.


Roger Kemp is elected as the first Principal of TCCA, and degree and diploma classes begin in January.


Saturday 28 May; TCCA is officially opened. Member of Central Committee, Mr. Alex Shapi, performs the honors due to numerous failed attempts to get the republican President, Dr. Kenneth Kaunda, to do so.


Tim Kopp becomes Principal of TCCA.


1-4 March; Accrediting Council for Theological Education in Africa (ACTEA) Lectureship, by Dr. John Stott.


First TCCA Bachelor of Theology graduates.


TCCA is granted accreditation by the Accrediting Council for Theological Education in Africa (ACTEA), now the Association for Christian Theological Education in Africa.


ACTEA Lectureship by Tokunboh Adeyemo.


Friday 15 January; lecture on The Family in Crisis by Ingrid Trobisch.


Thursday 4 February; ACTEA Lectureship by Gottfried Osei-Mensah at Ndola Baptist Church.


TCCA granted recognition by Zambia’s Ministry of Education for teacher training in Religious Education.


Rodney George Pell becomes Principal at TCCA.


Joe Kapolyo, the first indigenous Zambian, becomes Principal of TCCA.


Joe Simfukwe is appointed Principal at TCCA.


Dr. Lazarus Phiri is appointed as Principal at TCCA and becomes the first to hold the title of Vice Chancellor.


TCCA granted university status with legal registration and accreditation by the Higher Education Authority of Zambia under the Higher Education Act No. 4 of 2013.


TCCA officially transitions to Evangelical University (EU).


Name officially changes to Evangelical University (EU). First Evangelical University graduates.


EU receives university charter from the Higher Education Authority (HEA).


Friday 9 February; EU signs a Memorandum of Understanding with Internationale Hochschule Liebenzell (IHL).


Friday 8 June; Mr. William Boli Nyirenda, SC, is inducted as Chancellor of EU.


The university launches the Institute for Women in Ministry, later renamed the School for Women in Ministry as recommended by the Higher Education Authority.


18 June; the university graduates its first students from the School for Women in Ministry.


June; Margit Schwemmle is appointed Vice Chancellor in an interim capacity, becoming the first woman to hold the office, even in an interim position, in the university's history.